Sería que tal vez
mi alegría
se quedó contigo
en algún rincón
de tu vientre,
anchuroso enigma
donde el amor florece.
Sería que mis ojos
se quedaron sin luz
en la quejumbrosa hora
de mi partida.
Sería que mi risa
se quedó contigo
en el llanto oblicuo
de cada noche.
Sería que me quedé
en la quimérica búsqueda
de la felicidad,
y olvidé que el camino
son tus brazos,
sencillamente hermosos,
y mi destino,
tu vientre.
Leonardo Venta
Mother (translation by Jerry L. Cruz)
Would it be that one day
my happiness
stays with you
in some place
in your body,
ocean-wide enigma
where love springs out?
Would it be that my eyes
were shy of light
in the tormentous hour
of my departure?
Would it be that my smile
remained with you
in the obliquitous cry
of every night?
Would it be that
I fell sleep
in the chimerical pursuit
of happiness,
and I forgot that
your arms are the way,
simply beautiful,
and my destiny
is your womb?
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